20 Pics That Show the Power of Time
- Time heals all wounds ... and changes all things.
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A Blast From the Past: 36 Photos Showing the Way...
- Hold on tight, we're taking a trip back in time to...
Not Enough Hours in the Day? Blame the Reptilians...
- Some days go by faster than others. If you have a...
A Green Line Test Analysis of Taylor Swift’s TIME...
- According to the green line test guy, Taylor and her...
47 Examples of Entropy That Shows Nothing Lasts Forever
- Entropy will be the death of all things.
Entropy in Motion: 35 Things That Couldn't Escape The...
- Nothing lasts forever.
Bodycam Karma: Really Bad Choices Turn Broken Tail...
- This woman handled getting pulled over for broken tail...
If You Could Go Back in Time And Tell Your 13 Year Old...
- Time travel is still just a figment of our...
Time Changes Everything: 30 Items That Were Once New...
- Entropy will be the end of us all.
40 Things Being Worn Down By the Power of Time
- From the wear and tear of things being touched and...
33 Things Forever Changed By the Power of Father Time
- The unstoppable force known as the passage of time...
18 Comparisons of Time to Change Your Perception
- Facts that go against our natural perception of time.
18 Comparisons of Time to Change Your Perception
- Facts that go against our natural perception of time.
25 Inventions That Are So Long Overdue We've Almost...
- These inventions should have all been a thing a long...
30 Wild Photos Taken Then and Now
- Before and after, old vs. new, then and now. It's safe...
30 Worn Down Items That Show the Power of Time
- Everything ultimately loses the battle against time.
Time Traveling TikToker Warns "New World" is Coming
- Get out the tinfoil.
Entropy in Action: 39 Everyday Objects Worn Down By...
- Time is the ruler of all things and no matter what you...
TV Shows That Started Strong Then Crapped the Bed
- Most TV shows fall into two camps. There are shows...
25 Facts About Confucius
- Learn a bit more about one of the wisest men who ever...
Worker Trains Boss to Be on Time
- When the boss was consistently late to interviews,...
Worker Trains Boss to Be on Time
- When the boss was consistently late to interviews,...
40 Things Showcasing the Power of Father Time
- Things worn down by time.
30 Tattoos That Have Aged Poorly
- They may have been relevant then, but not anymore.
23 Bits Of Crazy Sounding Advice That Are Actually...
- Everyone is always offering us advice. And honestly,...
25 Once Amazing Things That Got Ruined by Greed and...
- All good things must come to an end
17 Photos that Showcase the True Power of Time
- Time and its effects.
25 Subtle Signs That Someone Is Filthy Rich
- What do you see when you imagine a rich person? Many...
30 Things People Found After A Really Long Time
- It's better late than never.
15 Photos Proving Nobody Wins Against Father Time
- Time is unforgiving.
George Lucas Perplexed After First Screening of the...
- After seeing the final product for the 1st time Lucas...
25 Memes About That 'No Kids Life'
- When somebody asks why you don't have kids, show them...
The Time Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Took Over an...
- In this classic clip, Triumph visits a restaurant in...
Every Time Sean Connery Misread the Board On SNL...
- Check out this collection of the funniest and most...
Entropy in Action: 43 Normal Items That Felt the Power...
- Nothing can escape father time.
24 Insane Traditions and Facts about New Year’s
- Everybody has their own New Year's traditions and some...
22 Now and Then Photos of Cool Inventions
- It's super interesting to see how far we've come in...
24 Things That We’ve Outgrown in Old Age
- As we get older, it seems like everything becomes more...
33 Things that Felt the Effects of Father Time
- The world around us is constantly changing. From...
30 Iconic Supermodels Then and Now
- How they changed over the years.
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