Women Trying to Win $100 Get Absolutely Rekt by the...
- You mess with the bull you get the horns. The real...
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Facebook's Head of Global Community Development Fired...
- Jeren Miles has since been terminated from his...
Unruly Passenger On Delta Flight 1730 is Subdued by...
- A tense scene unfolded as passengers on a...
Little Dude Trying To Flex Gets Instant Karma'd When...
- While trying to flex his expensive ride, he quickly...
Armed Robber Shoots Himself While Trying to Kick Down...
- Two armed would-be-home invaders had their plans...
Bob the Test Dummy Tries to Catch a 1,000 Mph Fastball
- Youtuber SmarterEveryDay conducts an experiment to see...
18 Pics that Expose the Truth of Instagram vs. Reality
- You can always take the perfect photo, when you edit...
Tulsa Man Pulls Gun On Teens Trying To Rob Him
- Just out watering his lawn, and a couple of teens get...
Dummy Messes Up His Car Using a Floor Jack in the...
- Some people could break an anvil with a feather, even...
Mom Busted Trying to Smuggle Drugs Her Baby's Diaper
- When someone asks you to smuggle drugs into a prison,...
Guy Catches Middle School Teacher Trying to Go Out...
- Sick-minded middle school teacher gets exposed as a...
Large Lady Experiences Her Worst Nightmare
- The car was only so willing.
Guy Trolls Australian Anti-Vaccination Rally Asking...
- Australian comedian Lewis Spears attends an...
18 Times the Internet Answered the Question 'What is...
- Have you ever found something or seeing something you...
Man Live-Tweets His Stepson Trying To ‘Smuggle’...
- The amused parent shared a detailed play-by-play of...
24 Times Boyfriends Tried and Failed
- They're doing their best, but their best is bad.
24 Times Boyfriends Tried and Failed
- They're doing their best, but their best is bad.
Guy Bites It While Trying To Take Hoodie Off While...
- The day a treadmill showed Neil who's boss.
24 Pics of Guys Who Struck Out Bad
- Dating Advice: Don't do this.
Instant Karma For Show Off Trying To Impress Girlfriend
- A genius trying to look cool wrecks his $300,000...
Dad Lets His Son Drink Soda For the First Time When...
- Mommy wasn't around, so dad thought it was a good idea...
Guy Gags While Trying To Describe Smell Of Woman He...
- Wife laughs hysterically as husband tries desperately...
Raiders Fan Talking Shit Tries To Fight Offensive...
- Heckling Raiders fans stood alongside where the...
11 Dudes Desperately Trying to Compensate For Something
- Internet tough guys who appear to be exceptionally...
Girl Tries To Prank Her Father And Gets Owned
- You don't think I watch internet?
Girl Almost Breaks Her Back Trying To Impress Her...
- A young girl ends her summer with a painful fail.
Judge Judy Owns Woman With 5 Kids Trying To Leech Off...
- Dose of reality from the Judge!
Repairman Caught Trying To Charge $700 Dollars For...
- Watch as this guy tries to scam a customer for big...
Newbie Gets Punked While Trying Out His New Rifle
- What a tool bag!
When "Fire Sealing" A Tire Doesn't Go As Planned
- Maybe there is a reason they call it "the redneck way"...
McDonalds Worker Falls Into Boiling Grease
- A slip and a fall results in some very painful burns...
27 People Who Aren’t Even Trying Anymore
- photos of people who were obviously having one of...
Failed Attempts To Fit In With The Cool Kids
- Companies trying to appeal to the kids in cringeworthy...
Cute Reporter Has "The D" On Her Mind
- Reporter makes hilarious Freudian slip during a live...
Shoplifter Gets Owned By Revolving Door
- A quick exit ends with a painful encounter with a...
Justice Served On Man Trying To Rob Street Performer
- Must have thought he was a real statue.
25 People Who Died Taking A Selfie
- It's hard to imagine your smartphone as a deadly...
Cheating Girlfriend Caught Trying to Bang a Random Dude
- She still tried to get him one last time. What a red...
Epic Fail Trying To Smash Cans With Boobs
- She sure knows how to party!
Camerawoman Trips Refugee Carrying Child
- This woman intentionally trips a refugee trying to...
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