25 Examples of When the 'Next-Big-Thing' Completely...
- Hype is always all around us. Everybody is waiting for...
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Stunning Footage of a "Flying Train" Taken in Germany...
- "The Flying Train" depicts a ride on a suspended...
The Italian Indoor Athletics Female Pole Vault Team is...
- Enjoy the magical world and magnificent sights of this...
42 WTF Vintage Photos That Will Make You Stop Missing...
- Delve in the vault of history and discover that the...
Beautiful Moments From A Women's Pole Vault Competition
- These women are some of the most serious competitors...
Beautiful Moments From Women's Pole Vaulting
- Impressive!
Runner Loses Race After Bizarre Pole-Vaulting Accident
- Nothing like being in first place and then losing it...
Is There Any Evidence Behind WikiLeaks Newest...
- 5 Clues as to what WikiLeaks is eluding to with their...
Womens Pole Vault - Most Amazing Moments
- Beautiful female athletes from the sport of women's...
Japanese Pole Vaulter's Penis Causes Him To Be...
- An unfortunate disqualification due to penile...
22 Riveting Images From History's Vault
- Take a stroll down memory lane and enjoy the beauty of...
27 Fascinating Photos From History's Vault
- If you love fascinating history then you have come to...
Pole Vaulting Over The River Fail
- This guy couldn't quite get it, and embarasses himself...
Pole Vaulting Fails
- A collection of people "attempting" to pole vault.
How Not To Cross A Creek
- A painful faceplant into cold water!
2012 London Olympics Pole Vault Accident
- Pole snaps into three pieces.
Epic Pole Vaulting
- How the sport should be played
Pole Vault Fail
- Even world champions can fail.
Pole In The Pooper
- painful pole vaulting
Awesome Pole Vault Snap!
- Other wise it wouldn't be fun to watch.
eBaum's Picks