Abused Woman Slips Veterinary Staff a Note to "Call...
- He was threatening her with a gun, and she did what...
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Maniac Points Her Roman Candle at Innocent Bystanders
- Police are searching for her.
Pool Patrol Paul Is In Hot Water After Calling The...
- First, there was BBQ Becky, then we had Permit Patty...
Woman Caught Her Boyfriend Cheating With The Help Of...
- A Jimmy Johns delivery driver goes above and beyond...
Woman Has An Extreme Meltdown After Plane Makes...
- Sounds like someone needs to switch to decaf... or...
Fat Lady Rages At Taco Bell Because She Wants MORE...
- And the dude filming lets her know how hilarious she...
Woman Calls The Police On 8 Year Old Girl Selling Water
- Alisson Ettel of San Francisco called the police on a...
Woman Goes Off in a Planet Fitness
- Doesn't Planet Fitness have alarms for that?
Woman's Gym Routine Includes Throwing Weights, and...
- Probably mad at the bathroom scale or her bill.
This Woman Is Exactly When A Man Wants In A Wife
- After catching a foul ball in her beer, she didn't...
Dog Senses Something Fishy is Going on with Yoga Lady
- Just sayin' hello!
Racist White Woman Doesn't Want Black Men in Her...
- James Ochoa made a U-turn on a street in a suburban...
Elephant Knocks Woman into Next Week
- Unexpected attack sends tourist flying.
Serial Killer Serving A Life Sentence Once Fed Her...
- 34-year-old Indiana native Kelly M. Cochran was...
Woman Attempts To Zip Line and Falls Into The Abyss
- Holding on is pretty key component to the zip line...
20 Regular Dudes Recreate The Perfect 'Basic Bitch'...
- If you find this offensive, you're probably one of...
Probably the Unluckiest Woman on Earth Gets Rekt
- Imgur user 'onewomanriot' recently shared a story...
Runny Nose Turns Out to be a Brain-Leak
- Kendra Jackson was diagnosed with a cerebrospinal...
Runny Nose Turns Out to be a Brain-Leak
- Kendra Jackson was diagnosed with a cerebrospinal...
Army Corporal Faces A Court Martial After Making A...
- Show me your killer face!
Crazy Woman Trashes Convenience Store for No Reason
- "Call 'em! And when I get out, Ima f*ck yo ass up!"
Woman Finds Dead Cat, Hilarity Ensues
- Sometimes Facebook still delivers gold!
18 Interesting Facts About Female Orgasms
- ...Every woman (And man) should know!
Woman Declines a Second Date, Gets Invoiced for the...
- This guy wasn't satisfied with the social contract of...
18 Year-Old Brat Screams "Sexual Assault" After She...
- This entitled little girl will make your blood boil.
Police Release Footage From that Self-Driving Car...
- WARNING: Viewer Discretion Advised Tempe Police...
Jealous Woman Tries To Kill Gamer Boyfriend With A...
- She wanted him dead for playing too many video games.
Woman With A Bionic Arm Had Trouble Finding A Charger...
- Not sure what we call this, maybe future world...
Woman Begins A War Against Manspreading And Gets A...
- One woman's war against manspreading didn't go how she...
How Texting A Wrong Number Changed This Boy's Life
- The cute exchange went viral on Twitter, and had the...
Woman Pays Her $400 Water Bill Using Only Pennies
- The water company claimed she had a leak and owed the...
Dude Cockblocks Himself Because He Thinks Cancer is...
- Way to go, Einstein.
Rose McGowan And A Trans Woman Have A Heated Argument...
- Word on the street is that Rose has canceled her...
Cute Chick Masterfully Trolls Thirsty Dude Expecting...
- This woman has reached a level of trolling most people...
Weather Girl Accidentally Forecasts A Cold Front...
- Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?
93 Year Old Woman Evicted From Home Spends Two Nights...
- Bodycam footage from the arrest showed her screaming...
Woman Loses Her Sh*t In Kmart After Being Accused of...
- Meanwhile in the land down unda, a woman has a...
This Woman Is Eating Her Mother For Christmas
- Not the touching tribute I think she was hoping to...
Woman Uses Cristiano Ronaldo's Bizarre Mouth Fitness...
- Nothing like working out your mouth while waiting for...
Guys Share The Creepiest Thing A Women Ever Did To Them
- A man will hit you in the face if he has a beef with...
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