
Alleged Alien Whistleblower Says We Can’t Speak to Aliens Because Our Food Is Garbage

Want to communicate with an extraterrestrial? Skip the Big Macs.

Last week, a man named Jacob (Jake) Barber came forward with a series of claims about the United States’ secret operations involving alien spacecraft recovery. So far, the reaction to his claims has been, well, understandably mixed. While UFO-lovers rejoiced about the man shining a light on these alleged projects, the evidence he provided for such programs — such as the video of a craft picking up what is quite clearly a balloon — indicated that he mayyyy not be entirely on the up-and-up.

Still, with a little more time, people are now combing over the interview to see if any new details are emerging that they missed. One such detail is that Barber said, “Our culture leaves a lot to be desired when we look at the contaminants that exist in our food, contaminants that exist in our drugs and contaminants in our culture. Some of these contaminants, it turns out, aren’t great for your spirituality, or your consciousness, or your psionic abilities.”

That’s right, kids — if you want to communicate with supernatural and paranormal beings, you gotta put down the Fritos.

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