Guessing Game Takes a Dark Turn when Lady Shouts...
- A game of "Heads Up" got a little dark as a woman...
Media videos
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Guy Gets Dumped, Proceeds To Make Horrible Rap Video...
- The song is called "I no she wants me back" (no...
Joe Biden Forgets Obama's Name, Calls Him...
- I mean, it's not like he spent 8 whole years working...
TV Host Apologizes After Comparing Black Colleague To...
- During a segment about a local zoo, KOCO Oklahoma's...
Kid Discovers His Mom's "Wobbly Sausage"
- That's not a toy. Okay, well actually it is. One day...
Incredibly Stupid Truck Driver Attempts U-Turn On...
- Thankfully, local citizens were able to alert...
Lady's Big Honkers Get Her Stuck in a Tree
- She got herself in a bit of a sticky wicket.
Discount Electrician Nearly Kills Himself Installing...
- You get what you pay for, folks.
Woman Fails To Open Door With Pizza In Her Hands
- The moment she just gives up in frustration - we've...
Guy Calls Out People On Their Band Shirts, Most Of...
- If you're gonna rep a band's shirt, it might help if...
Lady On Mobility Scooter Wipes Out Hard At Skate Park
- “But the Hoveround commercials said I could go...
Woman Makes The Unfortunate Mistake Of Thinking A...
- I really hope this was just a mistake... and not some...
Video Shows Twitch Streamer Alinity Breaking Twitch's...
- Popular Twitch streamer, Alinity, has been in the news...
Busty Shoplifter Gets Caught Red Handed Trying to...
- The store clerk was just enjoying the scenery until...
Cops Catch Van Carrying $200 Million Of Meth After...
- That's gotta be one of the dumbest criminals EVER.
Sexy Beach Shoot Goes Wrong When Model Gets Knocked...
- She learned the hard way that the ocean gives zero...
Plan To Drop Teen Off At Gang House To Be "Scared...
- "Tamariki Ora" is New Zealand's version of CPS, and...
Man Kicks a Wild Bear and it Stops Minding Its Own...
- Ever thought about kicking a bear? Me neither.
An Apology from Dana Cantrell, the Police Chief Whose...
- Her public apology couldn't be a more hilarious...
Police Chief Forgets Her Gun In Public Restroom, It...
- Surveillance photos have been released of a man...
Woman Who's Never Flown Before Thinks Bag Check Belt...
- I mean... technically, she's not wrong.
Home Makeover Show Ruins Couple's Bedroom, Host Tries...
- This family made the mistake of telling the designer...
Rubbernecking Driver Causes Accident at the Scene of...
- Amazingly no one was seriously injured.
Witness A Tow Truck Driver's First & Last Day On The...
- It's like he's trying to break the record for most...
Idiot Has More Car Than He Can Handle and Crashes His...
- Douche gets told off after try to show off, and losing...
Illegally Parked Car Gets a Dose of Instant Karma When...
- Skater is surprised when he lands on a car after...
Instagram Idiots Try Throwing A Tomahawk Through a...
- An epic trick attempt goes off the rails when @epicmtd...
Bike Race Ends Before It Even Begins Due to Gate...
- All but one of the racers in this group faceplanted...
Woman Launches Balloons at the Wrong Place, Causes...
- This balloon-releasing goon is not too smart.
Statue Installation Ends in a Hilarious Fashion
- An attempt to install a Lenin statue doesn't go...
Sexy Beach Babe Climbs a Flagpole and Busts Her Ass
- A bikini clad showoff went from hero to zero in front...
How NOT to Take a Drone Selfie
- After its pilot dropped the controls, the drone just...
Stoner Dude Inhales a Horrible Bong Rip
- What is this, salmonella sativa?
Camera Guy Slowly Pans Away From an Accident
- Slowly pan away and it’s like nothing ever happened.
TV Reporter Accidentally Exposes Kung Fu Master as...
- Kung Fu demonstration by Grand Master Bruce Silva goes...
Bass Boat Tosses Drivers Without a Killswitch
- A video taken from a boat in Toledo Bend in 2018 shows...
Student's Graduation Celebration Left the Crowd Gasping
- His parents must be so proud.
Concerned Mom Makes a Frog Situation Even Worse
- Why did you poke him?
Russian Special Forces, Everyone
- They're a gaff and a half.
Woman Calls Joe Rogan Fat After Show, Gets Abs-olutely...
- Probably the wrong dude to call fat. We all know Joe...
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