Judge Starts Laughing, Eating Candy After Manslaughter Suspect Asks for Bond
Are you *sure* you’re not a danger to society?
Part of the job of the legal system is to figure out who will and won’t be a problem if they’re not kept in a prison cell. There are a million asterisks here, and we’re pretty happy to lock people up who have either done nothing or done things that shouldn’t be considered a crime (there are more than 30,000 people locked up for weed), but in general, an essential aspect of the court system is determining who should be free to walk around and who deserves a little time in the slammer.
An aspect of this involves “bond” or “bail,” in which people can pay a certain amount that will be returned to you once you show up for your case. Not every crime is eligible for a bond — and asking for a bond in some cases is so ridiculous that your judge might, as this guy did, break out in laughter and start feeding the courtroom candy.
It’s not professional, but I get it.