An Informative and Ultimately Shocking Look at How...
- An eye-opening insight to the secrets of this meat...
Media videos
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Texas Driver’s Racist Road Rage Caught on Video
- “Go back to your home country." Road-raging racist...
Police Shout "Pretend Like We're Going to Shoot You"...
- Police officer shouts 'pretend like we're going to...
Cop Slams 105-pound Sorority Girl to the Ground After...
- A Colorado State student gets a lesson in excessive...
Allow This Total F*cking Zombie to Scare Your Kids...
- This person on spice is a good example of of why not...
NJ Cop Beats Police Dispatcher with a Dildo, and the...
- The device is nicknamed "Big Blue."
Armed Gunmen Blow Up Cash-in-Transit Van During Heist
- Four suspects have been arrested following a cash...
Disgusting Meat Truck will Have You Worrying About...
- Somebody call the health inspector.
Dude Tripping Balls on Bad Acid Gets Speared at...
- After struggling with security, this over-exuberant...
Bros Sneak into Big Awards Show, Party the F**k Down
- They know how to game the system.
Islamaphobe Get His Beans Roasted When Denied Coffee...
- Anti-Muslim dude stirs up trouble in line at a coffee...
Entitled Chick Drunkenly Wrecks KFC
- This is what happens when some people don't get their...
Canadian Lady's Racist Rant at Denny's
- Woman repeatedly shouting at a group of men in a...
Guy Dropped 200 Wallets in Cities to See How Honest...
- Learn a thing or two about humanity with this...
Young Moped Rider Epically Evades Police Pursuit
- Low-speed moped chase ends with rider successfully...
Dead Body Found in the Wall of a Bathroom Stall in a...
- A maintenance worker came to fix a toilet problem and...
Handcuffed Suspect Dives Off 2nd Floor of Courthouse
- A man in handcuffs took a nasty fall after he fled his...
Entire Police Force Chases After One Rogue Motorhome
- Footage shows Oregon sex offender Stephen Houk who led...
NY Douche Tries to Review Pizza on a Busy Sidewalk
- You know what, props to this guy is standing there...
Priest Trips on Hot Coals and Gets Burned, and God...
- Probably not the best place to fall.
Lady's Transformation Over 8 Years Is Something To...
- From the ages of 14-22, she took pictures of herself....
Two Drunk Idiots Wrestle on the Ground in Public and...
- This dog goes to pound town on two drunk guys during a...
Mustachioed Man Gets Tased After Insulting And...
- This fairly disturbing incident happened on a flight...
Port Authority Commissioner Abuses Her Position and...
- Caren Z. Turner was forced to resign after failing to...
Iranian 'Morality Police' Attack Woman for Her Loose...
- An amateur video shows a member of the "morality...
Drunk Driver Citizens Arrest Is Hard To Watch
- After a bad accident in Pueblo, CO these folks took in...
House Explodes Right in Front of Police's Faces as...
- Police arrive to the scene of a car that has wrecked...
This Is What Happens When You Mess With Waffle House...
- A peek into the late-night dining scene of Nashville,...
Unforgivably Drunk Driver Launches Her Car
- Footage shows a woman 3 times over the drinking limit....
Bizarre and Possibly Disturbed Woman Performs a...
- Valerie Sassyfras half-asses a sleazy performance for...
Utah Trooper Gets Some Serious Air After Being Hit By...
- After pulling over to help a stranded motorist this...
Fake U.S. Marshal Gets Arrested by Real Cops in Florida
- A man with a fake badge and a gun who was posing as a...
Two Girls Eat from a Jar of Mayonnaise at a Game and...
- Two girls share a f*cking jar of mayonnaise at a game.
Alexa Ruins Families
- Secretly recorded dialogue of an Amazon Echo ripping a...
Costco Thieves Get Caught In The Act
- Police patiently wait outside to nab two brazen Costco...
Undercover Cops Run a Red Light And Try To Blame An...
- They try to bully and intimidate a confession out of...
Two Police Helicopters Destroyed in Catastrophic Rotor...
- On November 17, 2012 a Pasadena Police Department (PD)...
Transgender Father Impregnated by Transgender Mother,...
- Bianca and Nick Bowser, who both identify as...
Police Ram Suspect In Busy Gas Station Parking Lot
- Bystanders at a QuickTrip gas station got a front row...
McDonald's and South Carolina Police Make Sure This...
- McDonald's called the police on a homeless man after...
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