Cop Chokes Out Security Guard
- A detective puts a citizen in a choke-hold during a...
Media videos
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Don't Call The Cops, I'M YOUR SON!
- Kid accidentally stole a cup and his mother threatens...
Citizen Pulls Over Police Officer
- Brave guy gives an on-duty Cop a taste of his own...
When Stupid People Think They Know Their Rights
- Does this woman really think she won?
Woman Tries To Get Out Of Ticket Because She's 'Pretty'
- Officer Thug Life reporting for duty.
Cop Slaps Man After Pushing Him Down
- This man viciously slapped when the officer claims he...
Heroic Teenager Tackles Escaping Suspect
- A teen came to the rescue of two female cops after...
Bully Gets Instant Karma From Police Officer
- WARNING: Loud Volume! (Turn your volume down.)
How To Tell A Cop To Take A Hike
- This guy stands his ground and sends the cop on his...
Police Officer Accidentally Shoots Himself
- A Kentucky police officer's gun accidentally goes off...
Guy Tries To Bait Riot Cop Into A Fight
- Watch as some guy verbally unloads his anger onto a...
Cop's Perfectly Timed "Stop Stick" Throw
- Officer shows exactly how to control a high-speed...
How To Exercise Your Rights At Checkpoints
- Know your rights, and use them.
Police Chief Tells It Like It Is
- Milwaukee Chief of Police, Edward Flynn answers some...
British Mounted Police Officer Sets A Good Example For...
- A calm and polite exchange between a police officer...
Day Dreaming Cop Misses Red Light Runner
- Was he going so fast that the cop didn't see him or...
Cop Loses It When I Say "God Bless You"
- A Miami Beach police officer shows his true colors...
Can You Relax?
- Man has a hard time staying calm as he is being...
Cop Hitches A Ride For Car Chase
- An officer on foot hitches a ride to chase down the...
3 Cop Cars & BMW Smashed By Fire Truck
- The driver pushes 3 police cars out of the way and...
Cop Shoots Unarmed Man Reaching For License
- The man survived with a gunshot wound and the trooper...
Cop Loses It On Man Who Knows His Rights
- This cop doesn't like it when people don't cave in to...
Corrupt Cop Smashes Windshield Then Arrests Driver
- Commander Torales, starts a conflict resulting in an...
Cop Shot Seven Times During Traffic Stop
- Officer David Freeman was hit seven times, but escaped...
World War Three Is Here - Prank
- Some people are scared, but the police officer doesn't...
Cop Says He Doesn't Have To Follow Constitution
- A New Jersey cop says Obama doesn't follow it, so he...
Trucker Pulls Cop Over For Speeding
- Cop tries denying it at first... but ultimately gives...
Trucker Pulls Cop Over For Speeding
- Cop tries denying it at first... but ultimately gives...
Man Finds Out Cops Just Killed His Dog
- Police entered a private resident and killed Sean...
Police Department Shut Down Because Of Abusive Cop
- The department didn't want to risk a law suit so...
Off Duty Cop Saves Car Crash Victim
- Security camera's captured the heroic act on film.
Police Officer Verbally Explodes On Citizen
- A hot-headed cop gets upset and rages on a man who...
Parking Enforcement Officer Gets Owned
- He was trying to write a ticket, while parked...
You Shall Not Pass! Police Car Edition
- This cop is a real dick. Check out the ending!
Cop Tripping Balls
- Where will you be when acid kicks in?
Cop Vs Street Performer
- NYPD cop busts out some moves for this unsuspecting...
Man Arrested In Own Home For No Reason
- Officer oversteps his authority as he barges into mans...
Teen Writes Cop A Parking Ticket
- How he reacted may surprise you.
Cop Beats A Man In A Wheelchair
- A cop faces criminal charges after a man is beaten up...
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