Shark Dives down and Swallows an Octopus Whole in...
- The owner of Nico Dives Cool Bali captured the wild...
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The Nautilus Submarine Just Captured the Sinuous...
- The Asperoteuthis mangoldae squid is a recently...
Drought Leads to Discovery of Massive Unknown Henge
- Drone footage captured amid a heatwave close to the...
Does the Size of The Boobs Affect The Tip?
- Kari Byron test this theory at a local coffee shop.
The Tragic Story of Discovery's "Sons of Guns" TV Show
- A show about a gun store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and...
2-Year-Old Devastated About Newborn Sister
- Toddler throws mega-tantrum at discovery of baby...
Franco And Rogen On Naked And Afraid
- James Franco and Seth Rogen try to survive while naked...
Crashing A Plane Intentionally
- Test to see what happens to passengers when a plane...
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