You Won't Believe This Shell's Restroom
- Take another look gas station owners, that's a proper...
Media videos
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Fireman Delivers Instant Justice To Robber
- An attempt to rob a store leaves this guy choked out...
Guy Rips Epic Fart in Court, Uptight Judge Throws...
- The judge should have knocked a few hours off his...
Gas Station Caught Scamming Customers
- Is this a fraud in progress, or just a mistake?
Insane Gas Explosion Destroys A House
- Dashcam video captures the moment a gas explosion...
Woman Can't Figure Out Which Side her Gas Cap is On
- It's baffling how dumb some people are...
Gas Station Goes BOOM
- A couple films as a fire breaks out at a gas station...
Modified Powerwheels Hauls Serious Tail
- It leaves its stock Powerwheels opponent in the dust!
Badass Protester Throws Back Tear Gas
- He catches the tear gas grenade and sends it back...
Gas Station Explodes After Botched Diesel Heist
- A diesel heist gone wrong results in a fire at a...
Accomplice To Murder - Social Experiment
- Would you assist someone in murder for $40. Some of...
Massive Gas Station Explosion In Russia
- A couple captures the incident from their home across...
Store Clerk With MMA Training Saves The Day
- A southside convenience store clerk turned the tables...
Off Duty Cop Saves Car Crash Victim
- Security camera's captured the heroic act on film.
Stealing Gas Prank
- See what happens when you steel gas in the hood.
Slow Motion Of Gas Leak Kitchen Explosion
- Beautiful slow motion of a fire ball tearing through a...
The Sound Of Relief
- A man releases some pressure after a colonoscopy...
If A Deer Farts In The Woods...
- Maybe he's just trying to hide his scent from any...
Husband "Accidentally" Sets Wife On Fire
- Was this a simple absent minded moment, or is...
Man Searches For Gas Leak With Lighter
- Stand back folks, I got this...
Gas Cylinder Truck Blows Up
- After an accident, cylinders on this truck explode one...
Gas Explosion Caught On Dash Cam
- A huge gas explosion from a house caught these people...
Car Crashes Into Gas Pump
- A man narrowly escapes after a car crashed into a gas...
Big Gas Savings
- K-Mart's new ad does it again.
Oklahoma Tornado Destroys Gas Station
- High speed winds and and deadly destruction.
CCTV Footage of Prague Explosion
- The blast injured 40 people.
Harlem Shake Goes Terribly Wrong
- Everyone killed the harlem shake, now its back for...
Meanwhile At Cooter's Garage...
- A wannabe mechanic almost burns his house down!
Russian Cop Falls Head Over Heels
- A good looking woman makes this cop get all tripped up!
Stealing Gasoline: A Lesson In Epic Failure
- Gives new meaning to the phrase "hang on honey"!
Exxon - Energy Everywhere (Parody)
- Comedy video skewers Exxon over Mayflower, Arkansas...
A Water Well Blowout Nutshot
- Idiots try and drill a water well and hilarity ensues!
Proof That News Is Scripted
- Not surprising, the mass media outlets are owned by...
Car Explodes At Gas / Propane Station
- Ok... time to switch to electric cars!
Truck Blows Up at The Gas Pump
- What's the worst that could happen when pumping gas? ...
Dumpin Donuts?
- A woman confuses dunkin donuts for "dumpin dounts"!
Alki David's Fart Promptly Ends Interview
- Don't want to be interviewed, follow this genius...
Propane Truck Explosion At Gas Station
- Hank Hill just died a little bit inside watching...
Woman Purchaes Fake iPad At Gas Station
- She might have noticed, if her glasses had lenses.
Dude Gets Owned By Automatic Doors
- He runs full speed into them.
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