Maintenance Man Taken Hostage By Karen Who Won't Let...
- It’s hard enough as it is for a maintenance man...
Media videos
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'You're Going to Hit My Child?' Karen Uses Baby...
- This New Jersey Karen has decided to commit parking...
Woman Trashes Kia Dealership after They Won't Give...
- his woman turns to destruction in a Kia dealership,...
Karen Throws Luggage and Climbs on Counter after Being...
- There are Karen meltdowns, and then there are Karen...
'There's Too Much Ketchup' Karen Slams Big Mac on to...
- This Karen looks like what you'd expect to see if you...
Karen Tries to Steal Because She Can’t Exchange Used...
- This Karen resorts to attempting petty theft when she...
'Your Mother' Retort Stops Loudmouth Karen in Her...
- This Karen is not prepared for the person she is...
Karen Refuses to Let Bus Pass Her after She Missed Her...
- This Karen missed the NYC crosstown bus, so she...
Karen Hits Two Cars Trying to Cut the Dairy Queen Line
- This grandma Karen is trying to sneak her way into the...
Starbucks Employee Checks on Woman Hogging the...
- This woman is filming her argument with a Starbucks...
Raging Karen Has Nuclear Meltdown in Dunkin'...
- It’s pretty clear that this karen hadn’t had her...
Karen Harasses Airport Security Because a Typhoon...
- If the employee could change the weather, she wouldn't...
Subway Karen Gets Shut Down by Dude Who Doesn't Give A...
- His response to when she says "excuse me" is priceless.
Whiney Dude Goes Full Dad Mode Over His Lawn
- This guy whines like a child over the use of an...
Entitled Woman Puts in Wrong Pick-up Address and Gets...
- I keep trying to tell you guys, karma is for real.
Relentless Karen Goes off on Former NFL Star Terrell...
- T.O. is a better man than I am.
Australia's "Karen" Themed Diner Where Staff is...
- This is a new concept for a themed diner that could...
Miserable Karen Decides to do Yard Work During Her...
- To be this petty, you have to be a total pos.
Sidewalk Karen Smacks Kid For Riding His Bike Is...
- An 80-year-old California woman has been charged with...
Crazy Lady Thinks the Mailman is Stalking Her
- Before the term Karen was coined, we had this gem of a...
Alleged Escort and Her John Get Maced by IRL Streamer
- Karen and you shall receive.
Angry Karen Gives Stranger The Bird and a Piece of Her...
- Back in July 2021, TikToker @catherinnept21 filmed a...
Male Karen Throws Smoothie at Teen Workers, Ruins His...
- The man, who has been identified as Jim Iannazzo, a...
Judge Screams at Elderly Cancer Patient For Overgrown...
- There's just no excuse for this kind of behavior from...
Crowd Boos, Throws Beer at Lady For Shaming Flasher at...
- Keep it classy, SoCal.
‘Karen and Cry’ Latest Entitlement Tactic, Woman...
- In a viral TikTok video a wild Karen appears, running...
Karen Mom Drives Drunk to Pick Up Son From Accident,...
- Maybe the lesson here is that great no one in this...
'Karen’ Turns Out to Be Most Wholesome Person Alive...
- They had us in the first half, not gonna lie. This...
Karen Accuses Dude of Stealing Her Phone, Finds It In...
- I'm pretty sure she found the phone midway through and...
Karen Sees Guys Having a Freshly Caught Lobster Dinner...
- An insane woman confronts some guys who caught some...
Math Teacher Under Fire For Trig Lesson Featuring Her...
- Oh boy, wait until 'Dances-with-Karens' over here...
Skateboarder Confronted by Opposite of Karen - a Caring
- Where was this saint of a Karen back when I was still...
Dane Cook Video Surfaces Where Comedian Coins Term...
- In a sketch from 2007 titled 'The Friend That Nobody...
UPDATE: Rear-Ending Lady Wasn't Lying, Lambo Guy Was
- This whole thing just got messier. Turns out, Lambo...
Karen Calls 911 Over Western Bacon Cheeseburger
- There's some next-level entitlement happening to make...
Dude Gives Karen the Politest 'F--k Off' We've Ever...
- Dude demolished his Karen neighbor with the finesse of...
Son Switches Sides While Karen Mom Attacks Two Dudes...
- Two guys did a less-than-stellar parking job and this...
Backing the Car Into the Store to Avoid Rain Is a Pro...
- This may be the ultimate Karen move.
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