Angry Geese Chase Alligator Down the Golf Course
- An alligator crossing the golf course was being...
Media videos
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This Hungry Bird Has A Brutally Efficient Way To...
- The southern carmine bee-eater has a particularly...
Angry Elephant Rams The Sh*t Out Of Car Full Of...
- This could have turned deadly very quickly as this...
This Giant Fish Literally Plucks Birds Out Of The...
- The giant trevally (a.k.a. giant kingfish) is tropical...
YouTuber Makes Hilarious Parody Of Every Dumb...
- "Stay strong. Get inspired by nature!"
Elephant Smacks Tourist For Getting Too Close
- A woman on vacation in Zambia learned a hard lesson...
Photographer Captures Two Huge Brown Bears Fighting In...
- Nature photographer Tero Pylkkänen managed to capture...
Millipede Venom Gets Lemurs High As F***, And They...
- Black lemurs in Madagascar have learned to use...
Turtle Saves the Day by Flipping His Friend Right-side...
- This video proves that the buddy system can save a...
Tricky Killer Whale Grabs a Fish While Avoiding The...
- Orcas are heckin' smart.
A Mongoose and Black Mamba Fight to the Death
The Severed Head of a 40,000 Year Old Giant...
- The Pleistocene wolf’s head is 40cm long, half of...
Wolverine Casually Strolls by Carrying a Massive Goat...
- Nature is metal.
Bear Finishes His Fight Versus a Massive Moose
- WARNING: Disturbing Nature That’s a lot of moose...
Beautiful Footage of a Massive Great White Shark...
- Andy Brandy is an Emmy-award-winning nature...
Mother Nature Beating Morons Up At The Beach
- Compilation video of people getting the ocean break...
Badass Goose Laughs in Death's Face
- This Canadian goose isn't scared of your BULL sh*t.
One Of The Coolest Steve Irwin Moments
- Tomorrow is Steve Irwin's birthday. He would have been...
This Video Shows Why Lemurs Are Weird AF
- Lemurs are wild. And not just cause they aren't...
This Video Shows Why Lemurs Are Weird AF
- Lemurs are wild. And not just cause they aren't...
This Video Shows Why Lemurs Are Weird AF
- Lemurs are wild. And not just cause they aren't...
Dog Mom in Anguish Howls for Help for Her Injured Puppy
- Some good samaritans come to the rescue and treat the...
Jogger Spills the Beans on How He Killed a Mountain...
- Travis Kauffman, a 31-year-old environmental...
Video Showing Honeybees Defensive Wave Against Wasps...
- This 'wave' is utilized against wasps and is referred...
Huge Tree Branch Flying at Man is Straight out of...
- This video is from a controlled fell of a dead pine...
WTF Video Shows Moose Casually Strolling Through a...
- A female Moose came in through the automatic doors,...
Father and Daughter Come Across an Unexpected Stampede
- A father and daughter in Germany came upon a surreal...
Kite Surfer Hits a Goddang Shark
- Alex Soto was using his hydrofoil when he came into...
"There's a Tornader Right There Boys!" Guy Hilariously...
- The video was taken back in June of 2015 in Tulsa,...
UPS Delivery Dude Gets A Friendly Hello From Squirrel
- Surprise nature moment makes driver's day.
Fearless Honey Badgers Won't Back Down From These Lions
- This was taken in Thornybush Nature Reserve in South...
Heroes Free Whale from 1,000-Pound Fishing Net
- While diving, these guys noticed a whale calf jumping...
Watch a Near-Indestructible Alien-Like Creature Enjoy...
- Pull your pants up, it's science time. A scientist was...
Heroes Free Bear Cub's Head from Barrel After Being...
- A guy discovered a cub with its head stuck in a bait...
Watching Salmon Zoom Across Flooded Road Will Make...
- A guy came across a bunch of salmon that were trying...
Bear Straight-Up Dies on the Side of a Hill
- Hikers captured this incredible video of a grizzly...
Nope. Nope. Nope. Guy Takes out Massive Four-Foot-Tall...
- This is an unusual specimen of a Bald Faced Hornet's...
WTF This Forest Looks like It's Breathing and People...
- A man was taking a walk through a forest in...
Watching This Man Remove a Bee Hive from a Bedroom...
- Scott Whitaker works for Hinterland Bees in...
Dude Narrating His Wife's Labor Like a Nature...
- This man in Murrieta, California decided he would try...
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