Karen Records Police as Her Son is Arrested For Grand...
- "I want my son in my house right now." "Get back lady."
Media videos
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The Workplace From Your Nightmares
- The Shabooya Roll call is a call and response game...
Maniac Lets a Cicada Killer Sting Him for "Science"
- You may have thought Coyote was done with stings...
50-Year-Old Virgin Rants About Giving Kids Sex...
- This is the perfect example of what it means to be...
'Dummy': The Quibi Show About a Woman Who Befriends...
- Yes, Dummy is a show where Anna Kendrick starts...
Chinese Cliff Swing Looks like Pure Death
- This swing is 300+ feet tall and yeets you out over a...
'Edgy Comedian' Bombs Hard and Excuses Himself off...
- When you learn how to do comedy from Reddit.
Yelp Caught Exploiting Tragedy With A Charity Scam
- Yelp received backlash over the weekend for promoting...
Paris Hilton Rapping for Snoop Dogg in 2009 is A New...
- This is the worst 46-seconds of your life guaranteed.
Idiot Twitch Streamer Fires a Round While 'Playing'...
- While 'playing' with a loaded gun, this genius lets a...
Woman Who Doesn't Believe In Evolution Goes to a...
- My god this lady is such a moron, but oh man is this...
Ben Affleck Puts Interviewer on His Lap and Asks Why...
- In the words of our Commander in Chief, "when you're...
Wendy Williams Makes a Terrible Joke About Drew...
- Wendy Williams is out of her god-damn mind, wtf is...
Energy Healer Gives Julianne Hough The Exorcism of Her...
- In Davis Switzerland, Julianne Hough showcases a...
Cringeworthy Stand-up Routine Is Just Plain Awful
- If you can make it the entire way through you deserve...
Do Not Show This Cooking Video To An Italian Person
- This poor has made a mockery out of Italian cooking....
Grandma Jumps The Shark While Spreading Uncle Marks...
- "Does it look like I just ate a powdered donut?"
Polyamorous Florida Woman With 4 Boyfriends Is Pregnant
- What an awkward couple this is.
Idiot Almost Gets Taken By An Armenian Gang After...
- Is this supposed to be funny? The only funny part is...
This Couple Has A Pretty Strange Workout Routine
- Is this what the kids call, "relationship goals", or...
Scammer Tries To Sell A "New" Box of Power Tools
- When he checked inside he found it was nothing but...
Flat Earther Claims To Have "Disproven" Gravity
- These Flat Earth phonies need to knock it off, this is...
Ladder Crossing on Mt. Everest is a Big Ol' Cup of...
- Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass from me, dawg.
Woman Takes Off Her Panties In The Club To Tie Up Her...
- Hey, whatever works right?
Crazy Old Dude Records Himself Air Humping Supermarket...
- This dude is too old to give a sh*t about anything...
Company Makes Gross, Realistic Human Skins for Phones,...
- Finally, the perfect phone case for people who are...
Dr Phil Interviews Possibly The Worst Teens Alive
- Dr Phil interviews a "viral" star who says he doesn't...
Pest Control Veteran Cannot Believe the Infestation...
- When a stone cold veteran is shocked and appalled.
Flat Earther Records Himself Asking Commercial Pilots...
- This dude is doing the lords work, going around making...
Man Cries As His Girlfriend Goes Into An Abortion...
- Hey sorry to break it to ya bro, but if you wanted to...
Teens Caught Destroying Sand Sculpture at Iconic...
- Where the hell are these kids parents? On second...
Surgeons Removes A Massive Parasite From Patient's Body
- That things looks like a giant sausage, yum.
Fearless Woman Lets A Giant Golden Orb-Weaver Spider...
- This specimen is a female and her belly is full of...
Twitch's Double Standard Exposed In The Way They...
- A few years ago, one streamer was banned for playing...
Theme Park Pendulum Ride Snaps in Midair
- The horrifying moment when an amusement park ride...
Angry Mom Records A Message For Her Kids Principal
- All you do is lie Ms McGuire!
This Tom Cruise Deepfake Is A Work Of Art
- Deepfakes are everywhere these days and although most...
Creatures Caught On Camera That Lack An Explanation
- Across the country and beyond, people have reported...
MMA Fighter Goes Ankle Deep In His Opponent's Butthole
- When nothing else works, sometimes trying something...
High School Kid Caught Going Door-To-Door...
- He never entered a home nor did he harm anybody, but...
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