Pet Beaver Tries Its Damndest to Build a Dam With...
- Someone save this beaver before I call animal...
Media videos
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Gamblers Mindlessly Playing Slots is Truly Saddening
- Slot machines are just cell phones for the greatest...
Heartbreaking CCTV Footage Shows the Moment a...
- Footage shows the moment when a 150-year-old...
Manchild Streamer Has Insane On-Air Meltdown After Dad...
- A guy with a haircut almost as unfortunate as his...
Couple's Fake Service Pitbull Bites a Child on the...
- A family that had gone out to eat watched in horror as...
Frustrated Victim of Flying Tesla Incident Speaks Out
- If you haven't seen the viral video yet, it's worth a...
Man's Wife Unsure If He'll Sleep With Adopted Adult...
- Pure WTF from start to finish.
Bob Saget Ended Every Conversation With 'I Love You'
- Bob Saget definitely knew that life is too short not...
Russian Female Co-Hosts Are Just Set Dressing,...
- I feel kinda bad for her, but hopefully, 70% of...
'Thank You to the Troops'
- I don't think she'll be doing USO tours anytime soon.
Keanu Reeves Finally Talks About 'Sad Keanu' Memes,...
- Keanu Reeves sits down with Stephen Colbert and is...
Jeff Bezos' GF Caught Thirstin' For Leonardo DiCaprio
- Leo's about to get banned from Prime.
S.C. Judge Plundered through a Dead Man's Home is now...
- The State Law Enforcement Division has opened an...
Howie Mandel and Anthony Jeselnik Find Out,...
- Both comedians had worked with Norm in the past and...
Videographer Drives Through Philly's Worst Streets
- This deeply disturbing clip was taken in the...
Dude Quits $100K Job to Work With Logan Paul, Cries...
- Gotta say, Logan Paul was actually surprisingly nice...
Piers Morgan’s Quest for Meghan Markle Ends in Cringe
- Pretty woman hurt Piers' feelings. Pretty woman bad.
Homeless Kids in 1970 New York Had Awful Lives
- Man, that is sad.
Dog Faceplants Obstacle, Loses Will to Live
- When you fail so hard you're forced to rethink every...
Guy Catches Horrifying WTF Detail in 'Shrek' We All...
- This guy points out a shocking macabre detail that...
Man's Soul Shrivels Up Inside Him During Failed Pitch...
- This man's excruciating existential agony could almost...
Mick Jagger Wrote a Quarantine Song and It's......
- When I think of words to describe the last year of our...
Karen's Magical Powers Fail to Stop a Police Taser
- During a confrontation with Police, this Karen...
The Time a Terminally ill Boy Died in Santa's Arms...
- A Santa impersonator recalls a gut-wrenching story...
Dive Team Finds the Body of a Missing Boy in Minutes...
- A team of volunteer divers who have their own Youtube...
Awkward Interview When Married Man Backpedals after...
- Luke and Kate talk about their failed marriage and...
Daughter Attempts to Throw her Mother's Ashes into the...
- Nothing like showering yourself in the memories of...
Guy Reunites With His Donkey After Quarantine and It's...
- Best post-quarantine donkey reunion video I've ever...
Abused Aggressive Dog Gives into Hugs after Being...
- A poor dog that had been abused and mistreated his...
Girl Cries Over Her Ex After She Was Caught Cheating...
- Sorry hunny, but that ship has sailed. *Warning:...
Young Mother left Gasping For Air after Coronavirus...
- The 36-year-old pleaded with viewers to follow the...
Empty Shelves Leave UK Nurse Unable to Buy Food After...
- This is absolutely disgusting, and a great reminder of...
Drugged-Out Couple at Gas Station Make For a Seriously...
- I think instead of weird egg-smashing videos that left...
Officers Nearly Beat an Innocent College Student to...
- A case of "mistaken identity" left one college student...
Men Read Other Men's Deepest Darkest Secrets
- This got really heavy, but these are incredibly...
Fed-Up Teacher Resigns in Front of Board of Education
- Our teachers deserve better than this.
Woman Literally Has Pubic Hair Growing on Her Face...
- Daaaaamn that is rough. I didn't even think it was...
Dude Carries His WAY TOO DRUNK Girl Out Of...
- Her friend isn't happy about this being recorded, but...
Synthetic Ice Rink in Eastern Europe Seems Like a Real...
- Where's the sliding? This plastic ice rink in the...
Senators Speech on Gun Violence Is Interrupted By News...
- Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut was talking...
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