Hundreds of Dead Ducks Are Washing Up on the Shore of...
- Now, I’m not a superstitious guy, but…
Media videos
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Dense Fog Causes a 50-Plus Car Pile Up
- Fellas, slow down.
Annoying Influencer Ruins Famous Tourists Destinations...
- Is all this really worth it?
Streamer Gets Robot, Bullies It So Hard It Kills Itself
- Like it or not, this is the future.
Some Dudes Stole a Subway Train and Took It For a...
- Is it really a joyride if you can only go one...
TikTokers Are Using a Parenting App to Stalk Their...
- They’re entering the panopticon, and they love it!
Streamer Gets Hit By Car While Live, Immediately...
- Patiently waiting for “being a content creator” to...
Congressman Responds to Removal of School Lunches by...
- That’s, uh, not what we were talking about.
Is Our Poor Diet to Blame for School Shootings? This...
- Surely it can’t be the guns.
Drunk Man Tries to Flee Cops, Runs Into Glass Door
- Sometimes, foiling crooks doesn’t take much.
Dude Sits on Air Mattress and Fills It Until It Pops
- Somehow, he seems surprised that it hurt!
Alleged Alien Whistleblower Says We Can’t Speak to...
- Want to communicate with an extraterrestrial? Skip the...
Flight Navigation and Autopilot Fails, Causing Plane...
- Here’s what it looked like inside the plane as it...
580lb Woman Shows Why MMA Has Weight Classes
- You can really hurt someone else, or, in this case,...
Some People Stripped a Waymo for Parts in the Middle...
- Do you think the robots will remember this sort of...
Woman Says a Demon Told Her The World Will End in May...
- Well, it was nice knowing you.
Man Takes a Casual Dump on Floor While Shopping
- When did people begin thinking it was okay to do this?
Man Tries to Steal Electric Meter, Causes Explosion
- What did you *think* was going to happen?
‘Navy Psychic’ Claims That Gifted and Talented...
- You guys…don’t actually believe this woman, right?
Trampoline Park Dramatically Explodes
- On January 16th, a casino and children’s park in the...
Does This New Audio Show That Lyndon Johnson Ordered a...
- Oliver Stone…vindicated?
Caitlin Clark’s Stalker is Really Not Ashamed At All
- Well, this should make the trial pretty quick.
TikTokers Aren’t Realizing That the Videos They Post...
- This weekend, TikTok will be banned in the United...
‘She’s an Ugly, Dumb C***’: Philly Fan Bring...
- So *all* Philadelphia fans are like this?
Australian Open Can’t Get Its Own Broadcasting...
- Just another example of how dumb rights management is.
Man Gets Hunted Down by Another Driver
- This is why you should get a dash cam.
This 1991 ‘Nintendo Therapy Session’ Shows Early...
- They were even complaining about a lack of backwards...
Video Captures the Insanity That Was the 1998 Furby...
- All this over a creepy, furry robot?
Woman Gets Roasted for Asking Why 250-Pound-Plus...
- “Horseback riding is a fatphobic industry,” the...
Cell Phone Suddenly Explodes While Man Is Working on It
- It’s not supposed to do that, I don’t think.
Fan Balloon Travel is Wholly Impractical and Really,...
- I cannot think of a single time this would be...
Somebody Threw a BB Grenade in a Sushi Restaurant
- Now why would you do that?
People Playing With Tortoise Accidentally Make It Bust
- Animals have needs just like us.
Another Car Has Crashed Into a Store
- Enough of this! Save it for the rest of the year!
Australian 'Hooner' Crashes Car Into House
- Thankfully, the residents were on vacation.
They Gave ChatGPT a Gun
- Have we learned nothing?
20+ People Have Been Stuck in This Mountain Bar for...
- And they’re getting sick of it.
Man Drives Car Into Convenience Store, Steals...
- He’s been caught (obviously).
Social Media Influencer Documents Himself Getting...
- Gotta say, he handled it like a champ.
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