Watch a Dude Pull His Tooth Out Country-Style
Of course, he had to swig a Bud right afterward.
I think we can all agree that going to the dentist is a miserable experience. They scrape, poke and prod your teeth — and at the end, you’re giving a bill that can go into the hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. God damn it, I brush and floss; what the hell else are you doing in there?
Seeing these massive dentist bills, some may take it upon themselves to engage in their own form of dental care. For example, this man appeared to have a tooth issue, and rather than shell out for a professional, he decided that the only tools he needed for the job were a pair of pliers — and a little beer to numb the pain.
You can make fun of him, you can call him "White trash", but the reality is simple. Men like this cleaved heads off shoulders, crushed skulls with warhammers, and strung up bodies from bridges to build the societies we live in today. They deserve praise and a decent dental plan.
— 9mmSMG (@9mm_smg) March 9, 2025