17 Fake People Who Aren’t Fooling Anyone Online
- Social media is not reality.
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Woman Breastfeeding in Her Own Car Gets Confronted By...
- Where is a woman supposed to breastfeed her child?
Skateboard Gets the Last Laugh After Angry Skater...
- This guy got mad as his board after he failed to pull...
23 Entitled Little Brat Kids Who Don't Deserve Anything
- Kids these days, am I right?
23 Pics and Memes Chock Full of WTF
- Wait... what?
US Air Force Denies Purposefully Drawing 'Dick and...
- Flying over the Mediterranean Sea, an airforce refuel...
14 Trashy People Who Need To Be Ejected From The Planet
- Something is seriously wrong with these people.
28 People Who Want You to Know They Had Sex
- These people have sex.
Howie Mandel is the King of Gross Reaction Videos
- Howie Mandel is proving he’s got talent in the viral...
Woman Steals Cop Car Mid Arrest in This Reno-911 Clip...
- After police were called to help a mentally ill woman...
Planet Fitness Employee Uses Maximum Sass to Deal With...
- He just wants to take his lunch break.
Funeral Home Director Says Booming Business Allows Him...
- When two shoppers at Tommy Bahama are asked whether...
22 Infuriating Facepalms of Foolishness
- How can people be this clueless?
25 People On LinkedIn Out of Touch With the Real World
- The real business gurus aren't spending all day...
Elementary School Kid Rates His School Lunch and it...
- I guess school lunches are still as gross as they...
37 Friday Funnies and Facepalms
- Start your weekend off with a laugh!
Train Absolutely Obliterates Food Delivery Robot
- Someone is going to be sorely disappointed and dare I...
45 Moments When Sh*t Hit The Fan
- Check out this batch of times when things go...
Guy Thought LGBT Stood For Something Hilariously...
- I think we can agree it stands for both.
Elon Musk Thinks He’s Too Smart for Chess
- Elon Musk is making headlines after tweeting that the...
Influencer Says He Doesn’t Talk to His Family...
- The social media influencer Larz has stated that he no...
Karen Complains About Karen-themed Halloween...
- The witty display was likely a lighthearted jab at the...
20 Savage Tweets From the Brilliant Minds of Twitter
- Twitter is the home of the internet's biggest and most...
28 Terrible Facebook Memes That Make No Sense
- People post the most ridiculous stuff.
21 Trashy Pics That Belong in the Dump
- These should be taken out to the trash heap.
23 Cringe Pics Filled to the Brim With NOPE
- A collection of creepy, strange, and unusual things we...
Epic Slide Tackle, Spear and Brawl Finally Makes...
- A wild scene unfolded during the match between ...
The Nutshot Heard Around The World: Hammer Throw to...
- This poor dude was just out here trying to help judge...
If Only Every Scooter Rider Could Eat It Like This Dude
- This dude slams his neck / head into a street lamp...
27 Funny Facepalms and Fails
- Fantastic follies to finish your week.
23 Crazies From the Realm of Facebook
- The place with more loonies than anywhere else!
Glenn Howerton's Hilarious Tesla Story Captures How...
- This funny story from 'The Always Sunny Podcast' nails...
24 Cringey Pics That Make You Squirm
- Pics that might make your skin crawl.
James Corden Can't Even Name Two of His Camera Men
- Everything makes him look like a complete jerk-wad.
Crazy Neighbor Demands Man Pays Medical Bills After...
- The new owners frequently asked the children not to...
Yankees’ Ace Wasn’t Feeling the Budweiser
- We get it, the Yankees immediately had to fly to...
19 Cringy Pics That Made Our Skin Crawl
- Pictures of the crazy and questionable.
24 Examples of World Class Facepalm
- Funny facepalms and fails to finish your week.
26 Dummies Who Were Incorrect… Confidently
- People get roasted for their online ignorance.
Amouranth Stands on Her Fans at TwitchCon
- Fans of Twitch streamer Amouranth, famous for her...
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