Teacher Showing Off For Students Damn Near Ends Up...
- He was showing off his balance and agility ironically...
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30 Really Stupid Things People Overheard
- People can be really dumb sometimes.
Dad Accidentally Rents Comically Tiny House For His...
- When you rent online always make sure you read the...
22 "Modern Trends" That Need to End
- Trends are a part of our culture, but sometimes things...
29 People Who Got Brutalized in the Comments
- They just got blasted into orbit.
Awful New 'Forspoken' Trailer is Getting Memed Out of...
- Bad writing means better memes.
Karen Doesn't Understand Math, Asks To Pay Higher...
- Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Halo Speedrun Cheater Exposed When He Has to Play at...
- This cheater gets embarrassed in painfully cringe...
Entitled People Who Need A Dose of Reality
- When beggars try to be choosers.
30 Really Expensive Mistakes People Made
- These will hit them right in the wallet.
Old Couple Struggles With Their Lines For TV Commercial
- After several failed attempts and his wife saying they...
21 People Having One Heck Of A Bad Day
- When life decides to suck.
16 Restaurants Who Tried Too Hard to Stand Out
- When you serve your customer in flower pots or even a...
14 People Who Prove World Is Filled with A**holes
- People who are like this for no reason are the reason...
Sims 4 Accidentally Added Incest to the Game
- It's sweet home Alabama in there!
Guy Trolls Scammers and Watches Them Get Arrested on...
- In this super satisfying clip, "Scambait" pulls off an...
Homeowner Sets Up Wicked Trap For Would Be Theives
- A Southern California resident decided she's had...
Diablo Immortal Streamer Spends $100K on Game, Can't...
- The "Diablo" Streamer jtisallbusiness has spent around...
33 People Who Are Not Having Fun
- When things don't go your way.
Katy Perry Throws Pizza at Her Fans
- What a waste of good pizza.
28 Times Expectations Were Destroyed By Reality
- Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it....
Josh Lowe Loses a Fly Ball in the Sky but Finds it...
- Damn I know that hurt, you can tell by the instant...
Repairman Trusts a Fart He Shouldn't Have, Craps His...
- Can we reschedule? I just sh*t my pants..
Congressional Baseball Game Anything but Friendly...
- The Democrats lost to the Republicans by a score of...
Steve-O Eats a Carolina Reaper for Commercial with...
- We had a full medical team on standby in case #SteveO...
31 Reminders That Kids Can Be Really Dumb Sometimes
- They try their best, but that's why school exists...
Farmer Finds Geese Blackout Wasted on Fermented...
- A farmer woke up one morning to find his flock of...
Savage Comeback and Comments That Smacked People Down
- Life is all about give and take. For example,...
Plus-Sized Teacher Says Her Students Ask Her, "Not to...
- The video went viral on TikTok after this kindergarten...
32 Depressing Pics that Are a Sign of the Times
- Does it feel like the vibes are off, or is that just...
Terrence Howard Trying to Scam Uganda With His Fake...
- Let's check in on Terrance Howard, shall we?
Grannie Has Balls of Steel
- This lady wasn't having any of it.
Guy Yoinks Robber's Gun During Robbery
- An idiot trying to rob a lottery ticket shop in Brazil...
Manchild Streamer Has Insane On-Air Meltdown After Dad...
- A guy with a haircut almost as unfortunate as his...
Penguins Refuse to Eat Cheap Fish Aquarium Bought to...
- You can tell they are not to pleased with their human...
Master Sensei Shows Us The Skills
- A Russian master in the ancient, timeless art of...
New Boss Gets Exactly What He Wants, Loses Job
- There's a lot of dumb things to destroy your job over...
Folks Who Swung for the Fence and Missed
- Sometimes in life, you just have to call it a day.
17 Things that are Irrationally Irritating
- From minor inconveniences to extreme lack of...
Male Karen Loses Reserved Parking Spot After Petty...
- Oh you think this parking spot belongs to you? Well,...
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